Resultados: 4

Medicinal plants used in self-care by people with cancer in palliative care

ABSTRACT Objective: to know the medicinal plants used in self-care by people with cancer in palliative care. Method: this is a qualitative study, of the exploratory and descriptive type. The research was conducted in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, in the participants' homes. Data collection was conducted ...

Avaliação da gestão dos resíduos em unidades básicas de saúde de um município sul-brasileiro

Objective: This study has aimed to analyze the waste management from health care services and the nursing professionals’ background about the current legislation. Methods: It is a descriptive-exploratory research with a quantitative approach, which has been developed in three Basic Health Units from Pe...

As contribuições da disciplina “Terapias complementares com ênfase em plantas medicinais” na prática profissional dos enfermeiros

Objetivo: O estudo tem o objetivo de analisar as contribuições da disciplina optativa “Terapias complementares com ênfase em plantas medicinais” na prática dos enfermeiros egressos da Faculdade de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de Pelotas. Método: Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, de car...

Plantas medicinais utilizadas na cicatrização de feridas por agricultores da região sul do RS

Objective: To report the plants used by growers in the South region of the Rio Grande do Sul State, during the process of wound healing. Method: It is a descriptive research that analyzed qualitative data, conducted with 31 growers in the South region of the Rio Grande do Sul State. The data were collect...